Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Have not diagnosed an inflammation of ovaries naznachitili a course le...

20.06.2004, 19:17
Hello! Have not diagnosed an inflammation of ovaries naznachitili a course of medicines - oflaksin - 200 on 12 - 7 days - metrinidozol 0, 5 2 r - 10 dn.
Nistatinum 10000002 10 days spryntsevanie with hilokforte 40 kap on 100 ml waters - suppositories "ginamin" and as garmonalnaja korektsi 3 courses - 5-18 d tsykla - mikrofolin together with falievoj k-that are lepamid - with 16 dts - Progesteronum 1, 0 djufaston + vitamin "with".
Whether my weight of 130 kg Tell or Say please treatment is correctly appointed or nominated?

Malanova T.B.
22.06.2004, 10:29