Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether are possible or probable at a high myopia (-7.5) and narrow a basin...

21.06.2004, 05:49
The dear doctor! Whether are possible or probable at a high myopia (-7.5) and a narrow basin (21 25 30 17) independent labors? Addressed in different honey. Consultations and the centers, but anybody could not give the unequivocal answer. To me of 29 years, pregnancy of 14 weeks. Zarannee thanks.

The anonym
21.06.2004, 10:40
The opportunity of independent sorts or labors is influenced not with a degree of a myopia, and a status of an eyeground. What were you responded by the oculist? As to a narrow basin all will depend on the sizes of the child.

22.06.2004, 08:20
At you possible or probable indications on cesarean section. Boleee in detail it will be possible to speak about it or this after closer to the extremity or end pregnancy when will pass or take place US. If doctors will advise an operative delivery, do not refuse. Now for you the main thing to bear or take out the healthy child. Tanja, take care and be happy!