Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! It again I, Olesya, that with erosion also wishes to give birth or travail. Affairs...

21.06.2004, 20:52
Hello, the doctor! It again I, Olesya, that with erosion also wishes to give birth or travail. The matter is that the doctor just to me has advised now not prizhegat and to try to be without preservation supposedly if I shall become pregnant, and thanks God. And motevirovala it is that supposedly prizhgu (by the way speaking, at us in city cauterize only in the old manner, even liquid nitrogen is not present, I do not speak about modern ways (that without cicatrixes, etc.)), an erypsipelas, and guarantees, that I will have still the erosion, second time postnatal or puerperal, no, and it is necessary to cauterize again, and any superfluous manipulations on shejke uteruses are inexpedient. How to me to be? Also it would be desirable to postpone not so, and vto time about health the would be desirable to think. Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.06.2004, 07:33
To try to become pregnant, if in current of half a year to not turn out - to be surveyed and treat erosion Solkovaginom.