Просмотр полной версии : We try zaberemenit more year. The first pregnancy (19) is interrupted. W...

Olja 28
21.06.2004, 11:06
We try zaberemenit more year. The first pregnancy (19) is interrupted. The second (24) - to the child 3 years. All without problems. Now after always regular 28. Cycles, there were two cycles 53 and 41 day, and behind them again normal in 28 days. All this without any reasons and treatments. Between last beremennostjami periodically to one of doctors on US was diagnosed a polycystosis of both ovaries. Other doctors of it or this did not see, but my complaints to pains in the field of ovaries nevertheless treated profilakticheski. The purpose to become pregnant then did not stand. One more strangeness - by results of US both of pregnancy have come or stepped during the moment monthly (in case of with the first pregnancy it is a unique variant). Last US were 3 years ago during the moment of pregnancy and a polycystosis it is not revealed. Now the doctor has had a look at my schedules of morning temperatures for 10 months, has seen, that the ovulation occurs or happens, has made aniliz hormones on 6 day of last appeared normal a cycle - all in norm or rate. That the doctor knows this all. In the rest I am healthy. Treatment such - 3 months Clomid (5 10 day of a cycle) Check of a level of Progesteronum on 21 day of a cycle. If results are not present, hysterosalpingogram. My question - whether it is necessary to be treated without additional inspection. I am afraid of a by-effect of a medicine - uvalichenija ovaries (if I nevertheless have a polycystosis) a little. The husband did not survey. In general here all treatment of sterility or barrenness is very dear or expensive also the insurance does not become covered. The doctor of money can to me spares also my chances of such treatment are great enough and without additional inspection? Prompt please.

Rabaev S.G.
22.06.2004, 06:26
Necessarily survey the husband.