Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such problem: I have given birth and have put a spiral. At me n...

21.06.2004, 09:22
Hello! At me such problem: I have given birth and have put a spiral. I did not have any inflammations, however in 6 months at me strange pains have begun at a menses (1 day) only in left to a side. Then these or it hurt sometimes nachanalis simply so - a pulling strong pain besides in left to a side (it precisely appendage). The doctor has told or said, what is it an inflammation and it is necessary to take out a spiral that it or him to treat. Then I have begun shprintsivanie in an anus a camomile and urine. Pains have ceased and even at a menses was not so strongly painfully, but all the same it was necessary to drink a tablet. But about 3 days ago at me in the evening so it is strong razbalelos, that having drunk 6 tablets nothing helped or assisted, No-shpa, Analginum, benlgin, etc. In 6 hours tablets have probably helped or assisted. Now no pains are present. At sexual contact of pains is not present.
Prompt, as to me to be further. Can to me this form of a spiral does not approach or suit? I need to clean or remove it or her? What can for an inflammation at me? The doctor spoke - easier inflammation, noda antibiotics - but I already at all do not accept antibiotics - they do not operate or work - I a lot of their propyl - various, strong. Therefore I prefer to be treated by grasses inside... And of a tablet very much I am afraid. Wanted logest - but I cannot recover, and he operates or works on feelings - t. e. Frigidity is shown. And I and so not especially sensual. And still I know, that from tablets there are asterisks. Please help or assist.

Soboleva L.I.
22.06.2004, 02:11
Hello, Marrying! If there is a risk of inflammatory process Naval Forces should be cleaned or removed. Which inflammation is present - the doctor who surveys you can tell or say and treats. And as he knows your status, he and selects therapy. At neohodimosti - antibacterial. And syringing of an anus by urine can noticeably damage or injure;hurt to you. You too strongly trust myths which develop around of oral contraceptives. If they are selected by the doctor, instead of friends advise, it is possible to avoid by-effects.