Просмотр полной версии : At my husband insulinzavisimyj a diabetes mellitis. We plan the child. How much or As far as...

21.06.2004, 18:49
At my husband insulinzavisimyj a diabetes mellitis. We plan the child. The risk of a birth rebenka-the diabetic is how much great?

Kuznetsova E.A.
22.06.2004, 01:10
Risk of a birth of the child to predict or forecast difficultly as Diabetum is mulfaktorialnoe (that is caused by many factors) disease, but is! An opportunity of definition of predisposition to its or his development in the child. Somewhat its or his destiny in your arms or hand. The diet (it is desirable to consume the moderate quantity or amount of carbohydrates at early age to not give chocolate and a butter till 7 years - is such point of view, but consult to endocrinologists), a way of life, maintenance of weight of the child within the limits of normal borders will help or assist to avoid development of a pathology.