Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to me have registered dostineks (1/2 tablets 2. / week in current...

17.06.2004, 20:38
Hello, to me have registered dostineks (1/2 tablets 2. / week in current 2 mes) for dropping a level of Prolactinum (the reason of sterility or barrenness), the doctor has told or said, that I should not be protected and pregnancy can attack a background of reception of the given preparation. To summaries to this preparation it is written, that it or he is categorically forbidden for accepting during pregnancy and before refusal of contraception should pass or take place a minimum month, t. To. He influences a fetus. I do not know as me to act or arrive, help or assist, please.

20.06.2004, 01:07
Ask this question in section "gynecologist", you will be responded by doctor Malanova.

21.06.2004, 23:34
Koga I accepted dostineks, the doctor has warned what to be protected it is necessary during treatment and more month after it or him.