Просмотр полной версии : The diagnosis of threat of discontinuing on term of 27 weeks under indications is how much dangerous...

20.06.2004, 16:22
The diagnosis of threat of discontinuing on term of 27 weeks under indications uzi - a hypertonus on a forward wall of a uterus is how much dangerous? I feel pereodicheskuju gravity in a stomach or belly. The doctor has appointed or nominated no-shpu, hofetol, whether it is necessary to take any additional measures, possible to avoid premature birth or births in my case? Please, respond.

21.06.2004, 03:55
It is possible to apply suppositories with a papaverine; it is possible to try to wear a bandage; polupostelnyj a regimen (if there is an opportunity). However, it is remembered, to me the doctor every time exclaimed up to the sorts or labors: " At you a uterus in a tonus! Will lose the child. " Though I felt nothing. And anything, has given birth in time.

Ryazanov And.
21.06.2004, 16:26
Do not worry, from it or this the tonus can amplify only. The hypertonus is put now by each second pregnant woman. Follow the indicating of the doctor and be pleased the pregnancy.

21.06.2004, 22:59