Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. At me 13 weeks: the chorion blocks region vnutr. Fauces on...

20.06.2004, 08:44
The dear doctor. At me 13 weeks: the chorion blocks region vnutr. Fauces on 1 see (a locating of a placenta on a back wall, the left localization) + locally raised or increased tonus from the left party or side. I do not test any pains (for iskl. - if hardly to press at the left I feel pobalivanie). With such problems it is necessary " to lay, not rising " or it is possible to take a walk a little? Thanks

Pasenjuk A.M.
21.06.2004, 16:06
A little to walk it is possible, but the exercise stress and a sexual life is excluded.