Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Has made a picture of uterine pipes and the doctor has explained a picture so, that...

17.06.2004, 11:23
Good afternoon! Has made a picture of uterine pipes and the doctor has explained a picture so, that is badly visible and operation is necessary laparoskopicheskaja. About presence of solderings in pipes he has not put the diagnosis. Whether there are other methods of definition of permeability of pipes? Standard analyses all good. In advance thanks! (very much it would be desirable the baby).

Malanova T.B.
18.06.2004, 07:15
Is still kimopertubatsija uterine pipes for 8 9 days of a cycle. But it is better to sustain 2 3 months and to repeat in other place a hysterosalpingography rentgenotelevizionnym a method.

19.06.2004, 22:48

21.06.2004, 09:53