Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! A roentgen of a uterus - a real deceit! The pavor and a pain led so...

The patient
20.06.2004, 20:37
The dear doctor! A roentgen of a uterus - a real deceit! The pavor and a pain led to such spastic strictures, that doctors put secondary sterility or barrenness iz-for obstructions and solderings! At a laparoscopy all has spilled on pipes without problems!
And nekudyshny the analysis of the husband?! After analyses - pregnancy one for another, according to children 4 and 5.5. No, there are things to a science not subject!

Kamenetskij B.A.
21.06.2004, 06:32
And you are absolutely right that informativnost laparoscopies much above than GSG, and application of complex inspection leads to desirable result much more quickly. It is a pity only, what not all this understand (and colleagues on shop including)