Просмотр полной версии : Tatyana Borisovna, hello! Has made farm. Abortion (a tablet; in honey. The prices...

18.06.2004, 04:25
Tatyana Borisovna, hello!
Has made farm. Abortion (a tablet; in honey. The center)), 19.07. Has accepted mifepreks (the Russian preparation), 21.07 Sajtotek, all has passed or has taken place well, 30.07. Was on survey at the doctor (allocation were slightly brown), he has told or said, that all by way of. And yesterday the bleeding (type monthly, small) has begun. I sit, and from pavor it seems to me, as the stomach or belly hurts! What is it such? Beremennost-that though has interrupted? Though I was left with any slices of "tissues", can, still something remains inside?

Malanova T.B.
21.06.2004, 04:08
On background Mifepristona discontinuing occurs or happens within the limits of 10 14 days, therefore it is necessary to hope, that on control US the doctor has confirmed absence of pregnancy. If allocation amplify, it is necessary to address again in the same center on control US, all is possible or probable not tissues of pregnancy send or have left. To you should give the information.