Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 3 months ago has made medicamental abortion in 5 weeks. Tep...

20.06.2004, 20:03
3 months ago has made medicamental abortion in 5 weeks. Now every month in the middle of a cycle there are attributes of a thrush (an itch, a burning sensation, curdled allocation). The gynecologist has registered Pimafutsin. But, - visible, something in an organism not so if the same is constantly shown... Prompt what to do or make, please?

Maljarskaja M.M.
21.06.2004, 03:24
Recurring or Relapsing moolochnitsa - an attribute of available other infection and depression of system of immunity. Possibly after abortion has developed hronchesky enzhometrit. It or he should be treated and raised or increased immune sisteu.