Просмотр полной версии : The doctor has appointed or nominated to me androkur (Testosteron-Depotum is strongly raised or increased), and after it or him at me...

19.06.2004, 12:46
The doctor has appointed or nominated to me androkur (Testosteron-Depotum is strongly raised or increased), and after it or him at me were gone monthly. Has registered djufaston, but also after it or him have not come or stepped. What has occured or happened in an organism? Now at me in general they, whether that, have disappeared?

Kamenetskij B.A.
21.06.2004, 01:33
From your report it is possible to draw only one conclusion that there is a serious endocrine problem. To solve it or her it is possible only internally with ginekologom-the endocrinologist.