Просмотр полной версии : I sometimes have a burning sensation whether in the field of a urethra, whether in the field of enclosed...

20.06.2004, 19:40
I sometimes have a burning sensation whether in the field of a urethra, whether in the field of a vagina. All has begun with autumn when to me did or made nyxes with Lydasum, now I have noticed, that as soon as I shall have a drink though chut-hardly milk so the itch begins. I did or made analyses on flora, t. To. My gynecologist prizhgla to me erosion shejki uteruses, and, accordingly anything at me was not, now at my partner the aerobic urethritis and its or his doctor have found speaks, that at me he too is. What to me to do or make and what such a urethritis? Whether it is necessary to do or make any additional analyses? Thanks.

Todua I.V.
20.06.2004, 23:20
Yes, most likely it is a urethritis - an inflammation of a mucous urethra.
I advise to descend or go to the doctor on a urethral smear and bacteriological crop wet..