Просмотр полной версии : Hello! In me have found out an oothecoma 5 6 see the Doctor cannot skazat...

20.06.2004, 00:30
Hello! In me have found out an oothecoma 5 6 see the Doctor the cyst at me cannot tell or say what. Has sent on the computer tomogram. Whether means it, what I need to delete a cyst? Whether there can be a functional cyst of such size? Or they it is less usual? I very much worry in occasion of that, what is it any tumour. I accepted Novinet 3 years, and on their background cysts should not develop. Whether clear, please, there is at me an occasion for trouble? Whether there will be at me children and whether it is necessary to do or make operation really? Thanks in advance!!!

Soboleva L.I.
20.06.2004, 23:04
Hello, Tanja! Most likely it not a functional cyst, but it yet does not mean presence of tumoral process. If the cyst should be deleted, it can be made laparoskopicheskim a method (through some punctures in a stomach or belly, without cuts or sections). After operation you will have high chances to become pregnant and give birth to the healthy child.