Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor, prompt pozhaljsta, what method of contraception to me a beam...

Benedskaja Olga Aleksandrovna
18.06.2004, 06:24
Hello the doctor, prompt pozhaljsta, what method of contraception to me is better for choosing and if oral contraceptives, kakae. I have given birth to the child 6 months ago, 1 month any more I do not nurse, the menses was after sorts or labors of 1 times one month ago, second time still pochemu-that not 2 days ago iz-for failures at discontinuing the sexual certificate or act to me was necessary to drink postinor. Never did or made abortion and very much I do not want, therefore very much I am afraid neplanovo zaberemenit. The gynecologist to whom I go in female consultation now in long holiday. Our site is accepted not too prvetlivyj by the doctor, therefore I do not have desire there to go. And the opportunity has not enough, t. To. There is nobody to leave the child. Help or assist please.

Soboleva L.I.
19.06.2004, 15:51
Hello! Unfortunately, selection of an agent of contraception - the problem or task which is not solved in absentia. From reliable and long agents of contraception it is possible to name Naval Forces and oral contraceptives. However, both of a method of contraception have the list of contraindications so without visit to the doctor you to not manage. As to oral contraceptives, you can pass or take place the test on www. contraceptive. ru and familiarize with spisokom suitable preparations.

Benedskaja Olga Aleksandrovna
20.06.2004, 18:42