Просмотр полной версии : Good evening. The doctor prompt that such hydramnion? And how much or as far as this diag...

19.06.2004, 04:00
Good evening. The doctor prompt that such hydramnion? And how much or as far as this diagnosis is unsafe for children and mum. The doctor (at it or her two at a birth) has diagnosed my sister a hydramnion.

Ryazanov And.
20.06.2004, 15:38
The hydramnion - superfluous quantity or amount of amniotic waters - happens at multifetal pregnancy, presence at mother of infections, developmental anomalies of a fetus. At a hydramnion it is possible or probable nevynashivanie, wrong position of a fetus, delicacy of patrimonial activity, at rezus-sensibilizations a hydramnion can testify to an aggravation of symptoms of a fetus. Also there is a danger of a fetal becoming infected of a fetus. It is necessary to spend inspection (to make US, dopplerometriju, KTG to hand over the analysis of a blood on a fetal infection, analyses of a blood and smears on an infection, at a negative rhesus - the analysis of a blood on antibodies) and to pass or take place corresponding or meeting treatment.