Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, After operation on a cyst of the right ovary at me has remained about...

15.06.2004, 13:38
The dear doctor,
After operation on a cyst of the right ovary I still had one reduced left ovary.
On itself it is constant, within 2 years hormonal cysts grow.
When I accept femoden the size of a cyst decreases up to 2 3 sm when I do not accept the cyst happens 5 7 centimeters. (results uzi)
You could not advise how often to accept femoden?
I accept every 3 month, whether correct it is an interval, can be possible to not accept femoden more longly.?

On consultation to the local doctor to descend or go and consult there is no opportunity at present.

In advance thanks

17.06.2004, 04:39
First of all calm down. At me 15 years of a cyst that will appear, will disappear. And with a fibroma easy I live. The main thing to not think of it or this constantly and to not focus in this point evil thoughts.
And to the doctor necessarily and on a regular basis. Not one medicine, so another. But hormones should be accepted periodically.

20.06.2004, 12:13
Thanks Masha and how often you accept hormones?