Просмотр полной версии : What is the purge of pipes? Whether this procedure helps or assists at sterility or barrenness if was...

19.06.2004, 01:06
What is the purge of pipes? Whether this procedure helps or assists at sterility or barrenness if the laparoscopy has been already made? Thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
20.06.2004, 04:34
The hydrotubation (namely so this procedure is called) for today the majority of experts admits not only useless, but also harmful.

20.06.2004, 06:21
Hello, the dear doctor! If you have an opportunity, shall forgive or excuse you to respond to some my questions, concerning or touching the given subject. At me sterility or barrenness of 2 degrees, 34 years, in November am flied or treated since 1999, me
2001 the laparoscopy has been made and presence of a genital endometriosis of 2 degrees has been established or installed. 3 monthly course Zalodeksa is appointed or nominated, last nyxis has been made on January, 18th, 2002, monthly have stopped after the first nyxis. The QUESTION: when the cycle, in fact already on March, 2nd will be restored, and monthly till now is not present? Whether there Could be solderings on pipes the reason of sterility or barrenness? What is the time it is necessary to try to conceive the child, considering my age before to address to procedure EKO, after the given treatment?
With gratitude Elena

Kamenetskij B.A.
20.06.2004, 11:54
Elena! As a rule the menstrual cycle is restored in the first 1 2 months after a cancelling of a preparation. The endometriosis and without adherent or adhesive process is the sufficient reason for an explanation of sterility or barrenness. After a cancelling it is possible to try to become pregnant within 6 8 months from the moment of restoration of a menstrual cycle.