Просмотр полной версии : Dear doktor-hope for you! Addressed to the doctor owing to a delay...

18.06.2004, 03:34
Dear doktor-hope for you! Addressed to the doctor owing to a delay. The doctor has assumed pregnancy (t. To. There was a certain contact, but not the sexual certificate or act!) the doctor could not take the analysis on pregnancy immediately from a vagina t. To. I still the virgin and a sexual life did not live. She simply surveyed me through an anus and has drawn a conclusion that pregnancy is not present. Whether the doctor result can thus is authentic define or determine??? To me it is badly believed in it. Very much I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply! Thanks!

Ryazanov And.
19.06.2004, 12:33
Hand over a blood on HGCH or the analysis wet in laboratory.