Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor!!! 26 ogo April I had an insemination a semen the husband...

18.06.2004, 19:47
Hello, the doctor!!! 26 ogo April I had an insemination a semen of the husband. 12 ogo May has handed over the analysis of a blood on pregnancy, the result was positive. 14 ogo May I sdela the second analysis of a blood for acknowledgement or confirmation, the result was too positive. The menses should nachatisja 11 ogo May. For today the delay makes 6 t days. I do not notice external signs of pregnancy. At me is not present a morning toxicosis, I do not feel neither weariness, nor a sleepiness. At me to you a following question. Whether analyses of a blood authentic indications can? Whether there can be it a signal of the stood pregnancy? On what term the morning toxicosis can be shown? When it is possible to make the analysis finally to confirm pregnancy? In advance to you it is grateful.

Malanova T.B.
19.06.2004, 11:09
Toxicosis can not be in general. Considering that at you yla an insemination on a background of hormonal support, analyses can be positive. If at you a delay more than 7 days pregnancy is already visible on US. And level V-HG should grow in a blood.