Просмотр полной версии : One month ago in me have found out PVCH, but the doctor has told or said, that papillomas are not present and nazn...

17.06.2004, 19:41
One month ago in me have found out PVCH, but the doctor has told or said, that papillomas are not present and has appointed or nominated following course of treatment: 10 days of a suppository viferon (1000000) in a rectum and 5 days three times a day on two tablets izoprinozin, through kneading the second course (only 2 3 courses). I have followed one policy. Then to me cauterized the laser a leukoplakia and in a month on repeated survey at me papillomas were found out. The doctor has told or said, that it is not a lot of them and they need to be removed the laser. Tell or say, please, as you concern to such course of treatment why after the beginning of treatment there were papillomas. Whether painfully to delete papillomas the laser, whether there can be they again, not looking on treatment?

Oshchepkova S.R.
19.06.2004, 06:16
To delete papilomy it is not sick. Their occurrence is probably connected with depression of immunity (t. e. Treatment for you was ineffective). Relapse papilom is possible or probable. Try to apply neovir, tsikloferon, polioksidony.