Просмотр полной версии : At me a problem with the medicines appointed or nominated by the doctor (in particular - with suppositories...

17.06.2004, 15:01
At me a problem with the medicines appointed or nominated by the doctor (in particular - with suppositories with a papaverine). There as by-effects constipations are specified. At me and so problems with an intestine. And here also these suppositories... I, certainly, put them. But as though in a toilet to descend or go? (Sorry). There are any agents, except for clysters (to me the doctor has told or said, what them at pregnancy is impossible in no event) and laxatives (the organism awfully reacts to them)? Help or Assist!

Pasenjuk A.M.
19.06.2004, 02:25
Do not apply a suppository with a papaverine (though usually there is on the contrary on their background a chair it is adjusted). AT pregnancy it is necessary to keep molochnorastitelnuju a diet, a beet with vegetable oil, plums, compote from prunes. It is possible to apply suppositories with Glycerinum as laxative.