Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Your opinion is very important, respond pozh-that. Time in 2 3 mes...

15.06.2004, 05:56
The dear doctor! Your opinion is very important, respond pozh-that. Time in 2 3 months I hand over the analysis on flora (smear). 4 weeks ago there was not protected contact to the partner which approves or confirms, that I have infected it or him trihomoniazom. At it or him is as other sexual partners with which he uses a condom and is assured or confident, that is completely protected. I have once again handed over analyses (smear) - Trichomonases are not found out, only a thrush. Whether there can be an infection so hidden or latent, that I can infect the partner (at it or him the expressed signs), and at analyses during several years do not show presence of this infection.?

Malanova T.B.
18.06.2004, 21:28
No, certainly. Trihomoniaz - acute venereal disease, you would have a bright clinic. At you it or her was not, and smears both up to, and after do not reveal or tap Trichomonases. If only All of you this time did not receive massive antibacterial therapy. And it is necessary to treat a thrush.