Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I was treated from ureoplazmoza (during treatment of contacts to m...

Elena, 25 years
16.06.2004, 10:05
Good afternoon!
I was treated from ureoplazmoza (during treatment of contacts to the husband was not. After treatment together with the husband have handed over analyses - result polozhitelyj at both. The doctor has told or said, that if nothing disturbs (and nothing disturbs us) and to treat is not necessary, but I wish to become pregnant. What will you advise?

17.06.2004, 20:51
And please, write, that the pathogenic flora " as I do not understand about what speech means " uslovno-goes when the doctor says this phrase. Thanks. If there is a necessity on e-mail I can write a full case history.

Oshchepkova S.R.
18.06.2004, 10:55
Conditionally - pathogenic flora (a ureaplasma, e. coli, for example), that flora which in norm or rate in an organism is and under adverse conditions (depression of immunity) passes in pathogenic, t. e. Causes disease. First of all be engaged in immunity (immunal, a vitamin therapy, a physiotherapy, a course of Pyrogenalum). Really, there is such approach to a ureaplasmosis - at absence of clinic and complaints - to not spend treatment by antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparations. If All of you worry it is necessary to hand over the analysis kulturalnym a method + sensitivity to antibiotics and activly once again to be treated.