Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My diagnosis: Chronic dvuhstronny salpingoofarit. In blizh...

16.06.2004, 17:25
Hello! My diagnosis: Chronic dvuhstronny salpingoofarit. In the near future I plan EKO, but at me the small amount (so the doctor has told or said) antibodies to a mycoplasma is revealed, research of a smear by method IF the mycoplasma is not found. Recently has passed or has taken place a course of a physiotherapy with application of antibiotics. Whether it is necessary to me to treat it or her? Whether this infection can affect or influence result EKO? Opinions of doctors rashodjatsja.

Kamenetskij B.A.
18.06.2004, 08:54
At absence of clinical displays of an infection (otsutvie vydeleny, etc.) I would not appoint or nominate antibacterial therapy before carrying out.