Просмотр полной версии : My daughter was born with a partial syndactylia of 3 and 4 fingers of the left arm or hand. A case...

17.06.2004, 17:22
My daughter was born with a partial syndactylia of 3 and 4 fingers of the left arm or hand. Cases sindaktelii fingers of arms or hand in family did not meet. Prompt, whether has this deviation or rejection hereditary character or it is simple confluence adverse obstojatedstv?

Kuznetsova E.A.
18.06.2004, 07:52
It can be as display of congenital defect of development, vyzvanogo is valid neblagorpijatnym coincidence of circumstances, and again arisen mutation passed by right of succession (as a rule, it is more expressed - full, sometimes osteal, a syndactylia).