Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me a delay of 3 4 weeks. For this time the breast has grown n...

13.06.2004, 20:44
The dear doctor! At me a delay of 3 4 weeks. For this time the breast has grown for one size. However in the test for definition of pregnancy was once positive and that is completely not long (2 strips of all about one minute) were precisely visible. The result of the test or dough was positive only in the beginning of a delay, and then all the subsequent checks were NEGATIVE!!! Today there was on survey at the gynecologist, 5 I week of pregnancy. SUCH HAPPENS???

15.06.2004, 03:22
Happens taaaakoe. Quite probably your tests were from a series " that more cheaply ", as a rule dear or expensive (rather dear or expensive) tests bought or purchased in drugstores yield very exact results. And it is very strange, as the doctor could define or determine so early term, probably very big "expert". Success!

15.06.2004, 12:16
No. I buy tests only and drugstores (me their cost not strongly excites). And the expert was in " the center of planning of family and a reproduction ".

16.06.2004, 23:50
I sit in perplexity. Wished to ask, who can will prompt? At me the delay about one month - disfunnktsija was and earlier - but like has passed or has taken place... Tests negative, the gynecologist has told or said "is unlike" and on uzi I shall not reach in any way. There are still kakie-a string attributes? At me at pressing droplets of a liquid from papillas were allocated...: (Eto about something speaks?

17.06.2004, 09:50
I sit in perplexity. Wished to ask, who can will prompt? At me the delay about one month - disfunnktsija was and earlier - but like has passed or has taken place... Tests negative, the gynecologist has told or said "is unlike" and on uzi I shall not reach in any way. There are still kakie-a string attributes? At me at pressing droplets of a liquid from papillas were allocated...: (Eto about something speaks?

18.06.2004, 06:39
Still as happens!!!
Genekolog on such small term pregnancy will not define or determine at manualnom survey. I had a similar situation. At a delay of 10 days has gone to genekologu on survey, and she to me has told or said, that no pregnancy is present and what is it usual dysfunction. And even has suggested to make to me a nyxis to restore my ostensibly brought down cycle. And tests each time showed different result - that positive, negative (did or made 4 or 5 tests, any more I do not remember). It is good, that I have not listened to this worthless doctor and instead of a nyxis have made US which has precisely shown pregnancy. So be not excruciated by guesses and make US as soon as possible.