Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or Assist to understand a problem, please. To me of 35 years...

17.06.2004, 06:40
Help or Assist to understand a problem, please.
To me of 35 years. Abortions were not, pregnancy and labors - 9 years ago. From the established or installed diagnoses - hr. A thyroiditis with the site in a lion. To a share, 3 operations on a breast (a cyst and a fibroadenoma), a hysteromyoma of 1.5 sm (on US 8 months ago).
Monthly almost regular - 26 29 days, usual intensity, duration of 6 7 days.
The last month for 20 day of a cycle at me have appeared brownish allocation, absolutely insignificant and 3 days last, then monthly "send or have come" in time. I have connected this anomaly that was on a rigid diet. After monthly I nevertheless have decided to address to the gynecologist. During survey in me have found out nabotievu a cyst. It or her the same day have opened. Have taken a cytology (the analysis normal). The doctor has told or said, that so voobshem-that it's OK, and allocation could be connected with my completeness (86 kg at body height 165), t. e. With hormonal problems. It was 11 days ago. Today I 20 day of a cycle and at me had brown allocation, only more intensive, than in proshchlom month, and the stomach or belly hurts, as at monthly. I am very upset. What to do or make? We just with the husband prepared for planning pregnancy... Help or assist, please.

Malanova T.B.
17.06.2004, 22:42
Most likely, it is displays of a chronic endometritis, probably, dysfunctions of ovaries. Understand with the treating doctor.