Просмотр полной версии : Re: the report from September, 8th. Certainly thanks for the answer. But whether is at you...

14.06.2004, 13:06
Re: the report from September, 8th.
Certainly thanks for the answer. But whether there is at you a medical education, scorceni and Katya to answer questions. What you have written I basically I know, whether me interests there are inoculations from a herpes and a clamidiosis? Also I was then treated 3 times, but all the same under the certain circumstances the herpes again jump out and in a blood of an antibody. Whether so it is possible to give birth or travail?

Pasenjuk A.M.
16.06.2004, 05:19
Up to the report on September, 8th I believe "to reach", it is short as a matter of fact a question - to give birth or travail it is necessary! Though inoculations from herpes which will for ever cure this or it, no but if he often obostrjaetsja that needs to be conducted pregnancy under the control of analyses and if necessary to enter a vaccine. With a clamidiosis to become pregnant it is not necessary, it is necessary to be defined or determined correctly that show antibodies in a blood. A fresh clamidiosis or that old. For this purpose it is necessary to make already during pregnancy (or "on the eve") two assays with an interval two weeks. At body height IgDzhi or at presence IgM there is an exacerbation, it or he needs to be treated. Presence IgDzhi is simple shows only old (probably for a long time cured) a clamidiosis. Do not forget, that immunity it some kind of biological memory.

17.06.2004, 14:23
Simply at me too herpes....... I judge or shall narrow by the experience and potem to words that my gynecologist speaks me