Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me of 25 years. At me such question. For 15 day after the beginning mens...

16.06.2004, 04:01
Hello. To me of 25 years. At me such question. For 15 day after the beginning of a menses (t. e. The beginning posledenej a menses was on October, 25th) has noticed krovjanistye allocation. They proceed 4 day. Allocation not plentiful, pains any I do not feel, only pulls a loin a little. I did not accept nikaih hormonal preparations, was not beremennostej and abortions, are not present chronic diseases. The truth marked or celebrated small erroziju on a background of an inflammation earlier. Has frightened that at affinity of allocation have a little amplified (we we are protected by condoms). A cycle 28, those the following menses should begin 21. Tell or say that to me occurs or happens? Thanks

Irtuganov N.S.
17.06.2004, 12:51
Dear Elena! Your situation demands internal consultation of the doctor. It can be and an ovulatory bleeding (the truth, confuses duration), and endocrine dysfunction of ovaries, and a contact bleeding (including, and in connection with erosion). If you in Moscow also wish to get to me internally, inform mail the phone, I shall necessarily call back also we shall agree about time of consultation. D-r23@yandex. ur