Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My first pregnancy has come or stepped after 2 h monthly reception...

15.06.2004, 20:58
Hello! My first pregnancy has come or stepped after 2 h monthly reception Diane-35. But, unfortunately, on 16 17 week the fetus was lost. Did or made artificial labors, t. To. An abortion was not. The doctor to me has again appointed or nominated second time Diane-35 to 7 months, at me Testosteron-Depotum, other hormones in norm or rate is raised or increased, there is no ovulation. I have finished this course. In the first cycle, after a cancelling of tablets, by basal temperature, an ovulation was not. Now the second cycle, 15 j day t 36.5? 16 day - 37, 1, 17 - 36, 9 (a cycle of 28 days). After the first pregnancy, at me in the beginning and in the extremity or end monthly were brown allocation, an endometriosis did not put. After reception of tablets brown allocation have almost disappeared. ZPPP is not present. What can you advise in my case, it is necessary to hand over what analyses? And more, if it is possible, advise the good center which deals with this problem, and how much is inspection (At our family not so high prosperity).


Rabaev S.G.
17.06.2004, 07:41
The US monitoring and a hormonal structure are necessary, at least.