Просмотр полной версии : Hello the dear doctor! We wish to get or start the second child (it is tried already...

14.06.2004, 03:49
Hello the dear doctor! We wish to get or start the second child (it is tried from May till July 3 months). Analyses on hormones and antibodies) and Uzi normal. I drink since May vitamins Pregnavit on one capsule. Also has started with August to drink mastodinon. Whether the question such can so longly be accepted pregnavit. Also it is possible to accept mastodinon with this vitamin. In the first pregnancy accepted mastodinon. The gynecologist has advised to have a drink this medicine (tried too 3 month as I have started to accept mastodinon has become pregnant). Whether It is possible to accept mastodinon during monthly (30 31 cycle, p m 2.08 5, 8). Since the first day of a cycle for 30 days of a cycle. The first phase 36, 6 36, 9, the Second phase 37, 1 37, 2. To last 12 13 days. Whether it is possible to accept mastodinon and whether he is harmless. Thanks for the answer.
When it is better to start to drink mastodinon after monthly or it is possible during monthly. On what cycle. First time a saw (p m 17 20.07. 97 at 30 31 cycle with 7 d. ts up to the first delay till August, 21st 97 years) has stopped it or him to accept after a delay. Whether will damage or injure;hurt this medicine to the child on small term. 3 4 weeks. Thanks for the answer. It is possible for me on to accept it or him. nachnaja from 1 cycle (1 mes) up to the first delay.

17.06.2004, 04:22
Uvazhemaja Lena! See the answer to a site "gynecology" the Doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.