Просмотр полной версии : We with the husband hurted or were ill;were sick some years chlamydias, have cured, were checked up, pipes pr...

16.06.2004, 06:40
We with the husband hurted or were ill;were sick some years chlamydias, have cured, were checked up, pipes are passed or taken place;passable, at the husband spermogramma quite normal. But I do not have an ovulation. I drank klostilbegit in different combinations (with mikrofolinom, postinorom, Norcolutum). Now I accept klostilbegit with 4 for 8 day of a cycle, then Pregnylum 10000 units unitary after US on 13 14 day of a cycle, but temperature all the same not podnimaetsja above 36.9. Last month to me have appointed or nominated still djufaston with 17 for 26 day but also then the temperature above did not become. My doctor speaks, that so all the same it is possible to become pregnant, but it is impossible to us some months. I need to change treatment or dosages. We are treated some years, no forces already are present.

Kamenetskij B.A.
16.06.2004, 16:06
Anna! To spend an induction an ovulation it is necessary under the control of ultrasound, t. To. Under the schedule of basal temperature it is complex or difficult enough to make the correct conclusion about presence of an ovulation.