Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Two days ago has accepted 2 tablets postinora (under the scheme or plan). While n...

15.06.2004, 03:14
Two days ago has accepted 2 tablets postinora (under the scheme or plan). While no by-effects are present (only last night pulled a bottom of a stomach or belly) a little.
1) whether the bleeding or failures in a cycle (only in it or this should be obligatory?) whether and at all women after reception postinora happen oslozhneneija?
2) If pregnancy vse-taki remains and after reception postinora, whether it is necessary to do or make abortion (I have read through, what after reception postinora the child can be born defective or incomplete)?

Pasenjuk A.M.
16.06.2004, 06:18
1, it is not obligatory and not at all.
2. Yes, it will be necessary to interrupt pregnancy