Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, help or assist advice or council, I do not know for what to catch. Prolactinum and cortexes is raised or increased...

06.06.2004, 07:09
The doctor, help or assist advice or council, I do not know for what to catch. Prolactinum and a hydrocortisone (I about it or this already wrote to you), a bilateral oophoritis, a delay monthly - 1 week, pregnancy is improbable, the test negative is raised or increased. Have found a ureaplasma and gardnerellu. For a ureaplasma it was already treated twice (yearly). And passed or took place complex treatment with a heap of antibiotics and restoring preparations. Prompt from what to begin??? Whether cures hr. A ureaplasmosis?

Malanova T.B.
09.06.2004, 22:34
Now it is necessary to treat a bacterial vaginosis. On a background of pure or clean smears probably and the ureaplasma will not come to light. The delay can be result of hormonal changes. Hormonal inspection - not only Prolactinum and a hydrocortisone, that with other hormones. What given US, whether are a X-ray analysis of a turkish saddle.

12.06.2004, 13:30
Tatyana Borisovna, such description of US, you have told or said, it is complex or difficult to interpret. US has shown (24. M.): a uterus - ehostruktura homogeneous echoic, endometry intermittently gipoehogenen; pr. An ovary - a stroma giperplazirovana, a lion. - ehostruktura gipoehogennaja with anehogennym includings or incorporations conducted. Up to 2 sm in diameter - a cystic degeneration - with vospvlitelnym stratification. The diagnosis - the Diagnosis - transferred or carried enometrioz; a bilateral oophoritis. From hormones handed over just Testosteron-Depotum - in norm or rate.

16.06.2004, 00:27
And more pair questions. Whether it is necessary to treat from gardnerelly the husband, he it is very serious perenosti antibiotics. Can eat what nibud sparing medicines? And that the doctor has registered Metronidazolum, - to mine, it in general an ancient medicine.
In any case, many thanks for the answer.