Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alexander Anatolevich! Four months back my mum (47 years) with...

12.06.2004, 06:09
Dear Alexander Anatolevich!
Four months back my mum (47 years) after long reception Narkoluta otpravilina test-the analysis on revealing of cancer cells. The first test has given polozhitelnnyj, exceeding all admissible norms or rates result, ostalnyj 2 - absolutely normal. For histological research it or her have directed on t. n. Cleaning - it's OK. Later month after the given procedure, the small bleeding and when next cycle Narkoluta has ended has begun - as has broken through - a bleeding very strong, with clots.
Doctors insist on operation on excision of a uterus, specifying, that such status is called preoncologic. Whether so it is necessary? And in what there can be a reason of such changes?
Thankful in advance.

Savchenko A.A.
12.06.2004, 10:43
Dear JUlja. Very much it would be desirable you to help or assist but your information very much obryvochna. With what purpose to your mum Norcolutum was appointed or nominated? What is in your comprehension " test-the analysis on revealing of cancer cells "? With kokoj the purpose reception of Norcolutum is continued? What diagnosis at present? Or rasprosite mum in more detail, or ask your questions (and respond to mine) together with her. I hope that I can help or assist you.

12.06.2004, 20:26
Dear Alexander Anatolevich!
Big to you thanks that have responded to our letter.
The matter is that in December, 1996 iz-for failures in a menstrual cycle to mum it has been spent RDV. Data of histological research for that moment of a pathology have not revealed.
For maintenance of a normal cycle doctors have written out Norcolutum - on 1 tablet with 15 for 25 day of a cycle. Following this indicating, mum accepted a preparation during 3 h years (thus a menses no more than 3 days proceeded and were not plentiful). The cycle has been restored. The given US during this period - a hysteromyoma, the nodal form.
And as reception of Norcolutum objazyvaet to spend onko-the control after 3 go year of reception of a medicine, in laboratory immuno-the analysis inspection of Serum of a blood has been appointed or nominated to antigens SA, IFA Hema.
The result of the first analysis (as I already wrote) has exceeded all admissible norms or rates in 10 ki time, and the subsequent 2 have revealed absolutely normal result.
After that the doctor again recommends carrying out RDV. Result of a histology: in tserv. The channel large polypiform slices mucous.
Also application of Norcolutum with 5 for 25 day is again recommended. The first menses has come or stepped in 1, 5 months after RDV (plentiful, it it was necessary to accept Dicynonum) and t. To. neboshie allocation proceeded, it was recommended to increase a dose of Norcolutum up to 1, 5 tabl in day. After the next cycle again very strong proryvnye bleedings.
The diagnosis at present - dysfunction of ovaries, a hysteromyoma.

I am sorry, if my speech is confused, but your advice or council is very necessary to us. Thankful in advance.

Savchenko A.A.
13.06.2004, 18:03
Let's begin with SA-125. Excess in tens times, it approximately more than 300 at norm or rate up to 35 ml, first of all is suspicious concerning a cancer of ovaries. Careful survey, US is necessary. Augmentation SA-125 also can be and at an inflammation, at an endometriosis, etc. Now in occasion of bleedings. The reason can be: 1) a hysteromyoma (for example its or her submucous locating, t. e. Almost in a cavity of the uterus), 2) a polyp endometrija (good-quality education in a cavity of the uterus), 3) an endometriosis, (all is listed not) - the hormonetherapy in these situations is not effective, shown operation. Try to talk in more detail to yours vrachem and if all is valid approximately so operation is shown. Besides a hormonetherapy it not absolutely harmless treatment.

15.06.2004, 02:05
Alexander Anatolevich!
Once again I thank for the answer. Probably, he will help or assist mum to get used to an idea on necessity of operation. Though that repeated 2 analyses have shown normal result nevertheless suggests: whether there were initial parameters erroneous?

How you consider or count, whether there is a necessity to mum to communicate immediately personally with you and to consult?

Savchenko A.A.
15.06.2004, 15:12
The probability of a mistake or an error exists always and everywhere. Can write sv2t@mail. ru