Просмотр полной версии : Hello Prompt that the smear on dp and ak means? Whether the analysis a method Can...

14.06.2004, 22:17
Prompt that the smear on dp and ak means? Whether the analysis method PTSR (more exact to me have told or said) Can to show presence UMP and chlamydias, and cheaper analysis to not show?

Malanova T.B.
15.06.2004, 07:03
Abbreviation "dp", "ak" and "UMP" I that have not understood that. PTSR diagnostics of Trichomonases, gonorrheas, mushrooms, gardnerell is not necessary, as all of them come to light or are taped in a banal smear (that costs or stands on the order more cheaply), and the others ZPPP do or make by means of PTSR go DNA of diagnostics.

15.06.2004, 11:00
There where AK it is written - the cytogram without features. It that means? It is better to hand over what analysis to reveal chlamydias. At me in the analysis 1/20 and 4 crosses and at the partner in a credit 1/40 and 3 crosses are written RNGA in a credit. How it to understand?