Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To 5.11.03 me have removed a hysteromyoma laporoskopicheskim by...

11.06.2004, 17:41
The dear doctor! To 5.11.03 me have removed a hysteromyoma laporoskopicheskim by. Operation has passed or has taken place successfully. The day before yesterday at me have begun monthly - awfully morbid and plentiful. On the eve I had a sexual contact to the husband. Whether there can be these pains a consequence of sexual contact? And more a question: when it is possible to live a sexual life after similar operation?

13.06.2004, 08:36
Dear similar references dozhny to be otrazhenny in discharge epikrize.

13.06.2004, 21:33
And if they are not reflected? Whether you can answer the questions put above?

15.06.2004, 10:55
As I shall respond if I at all zngaju what operation at you a conservative myomectomy or in general a uterus have cleaned or removed, and sootvestvenno in poslenem a case about monthly and speeches cannot be, address to the aunt malanovoj in konfu the gynecologist