Просмотр полной версии : Hello! After inspection me on gistrerosalpingografiju: Duct...

13.06.2004, 20:50
After inspection me on
The report of research: the Cavity of the uterus of the triangular form, with presence pristenochnyh defects of filling in day or bottom;fundus. Uterine pipes izvitye, right rasshirina in an ampullar department up to 0, 8 see the Contrast agent from both uterine pipes in small kollichestve has grown lazy in an abdominal cavity and was non-uniformly distributed or allocated in her.
The conclusion: Polyps endometrija.
Uterine pipes are passed or taken place;passable.
Pravostronny ventilnyj a sactosalpinx.
Peritrubarnye solderings.
Adherent or Adhesive process in a small basin.
Whether Mozhno-at the given diagnosis to do without operation if there is no that where qualitatively and quickly it or her do or make (naturally at the general or common narcosis), and spend analyses on occurrence of polyps, chto-more they would not arise.
Whether and est-chance after similar operation to have children.

Kamenetskij B.A.
15.06.2004, 09:35
Most likely the operative measure is required. As a rule it is accompanied by a currettage of a cavity of the uterus or a hysteroscopy (that simultaneously is both a diagnostic and medical intervention). If you live in Peter Vy can address in our center. In occasion of dr. Cities I, naturally, do not know.