
Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Recently it was checked up at the doctor then has learned or has found out, that...

11.06.2004, 12:14
Hello, the doctor!
Recently the small uterus was checked up at the doctor then has learned or has found out, that at me. She has offered me treatment by hormonal preparations. The truth has told or said, that at my age (me 26 years) to correct it not probably. Besides it or this at me only one kidney (iz-for congenital disadvantages it or her have removed) and is increased a thyroid gland. I daily accept tablets from rising pressure and from shchetovidnoj glands. To give birth or travail to me doctors have forbidden. My question such: whether it is necessary to me to accept hormonal preparations? For what to me it? What to me threatens in case I shall refuse treatment (besides that I shall not become pregnant)? And more a question: the first seconds when the husband enters the member into me to me a little painfully (always). We should make always it slowly and very cautiously. It iz-what at me there all small, how at devochki-the teenager? It would be desirable to receive the detailed answer, because to me kak-that not on itself after that inspections. In advance thanks!

12.06.2004, 07:27
Descend or Go to other doctor. To me during 4 years the gynecologist the uterus small repeated, that, to me to not give birth, tried to stuff with tablets hormonal. I accepted nothing, have simply replaced the gynecologist: it has appeared both a uterus normal, and labors have passed or have taken place without complications.

Malanova T.B.
13.06.2004, 19:16
If you are not going to to give birth or travail, a cycle stable, that, in view of Vashejsomaticheskoj to pathologies, hormonal therapy is not shown to you. To the second part of your letter - priljudija there should be at you longer then also problems will be less.

14.06.2004, 20:37
All thanks that my questions have answered. It is pleasant, that to me there were no indifferent extraneous people!!!