Просмотр полной версии : My husband does not have spermatozoons how it is possible to solve a problem is conceived...

12.06.2004, 19:24
My husband does not have spermatozoons how it is possible to solve a problem of conception of the child for us. Whether in general to be treated it or not. Doctors do not find the reason, simply there is no also all.
Thankful in advance for the answer

Kamenetskij B.A.
14.06.2004, 07:38
Uv. Maria!
Absence of spermatozoons in an ejaculate (at delivery of a semen on the analysis) does not speak that them not as those. ozmozhno it is meaningful to spend series of special researches of what to confirm or deny this diagnosis (hormonal researches, a puncture of an epididymis i/or a testicle). If this diagnosis will be confirmed, it will be possible to speak only about donor programs. Yours faithfully
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
(http: // doctor. ru/doctor/index_doctor_ext. shtml? spec = 47 and doc = 174)