Просмотр полной версии : Please, only be not dared or do not laugh - at me, probably, maniacal pavor zalete...

11.06.2004, 14:25
Please, only be not dared or do not laugh - at me, probably, maniacal pavor to fly. Tell or say, if the sexual certificate or act was on 4 day of a cycle (from 5 days), t. e. The cycle practically yet has not ended, at me were vag. Suppositories, at it or him - elastic, nothing it was torn, and after in a perineum all dostachno was dry, without " alien or foreign liquids " - there is a probability to fly?
And more - how to treat this psychosis? He to me does not allow to relax and normally to live: (

Malanova T.B.
14.06.2004, 07:34
Try to pass to hormonal contraception. It will help or assist to relax and take pleasure in a life (this method does not protect from an infection).