Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! Since August of the last year I try zaberemenet...

06.06.2004, 16:32
Hello, the dear doctor! Since August of the last year I try to become pregnant and it is impossible. To me of 26 years. Beremennostej was not. Contraceptives ("mersilon") applied within one month more two years ago. To the husband of 45 years and it or he has an adult child. Under analyses at me hormones in norm or rate (chut-hardly low level Estradiol - 41 pmol/). A pipe yet did not check. In March folikula 19 mm for 13 day, April folikula 17 mm for 16 day. In July on 12 put the doctor has not found out a yellow body. In July the husband has handed over spermogrammu: concentration of spermatozoons 19, 1 million, viability of 73 %, mobility of 48 % (kat. "And" - 12 %, kat. " " - 14 %), leucocytes 2, 1 million, appreciable kol-in slime. The urologist has found out a varicose phlebectasia in testicles and on the basis of it or this has diagnosed " man's sterility or barrenness ". He advises operation " on Ivanishevich ". Prompt, whether the varicose phlebectasia is valid can so seriously to affect or influence for conception, and prompt, whether there is a necessity for such operation. Can be is better make an artificial insemination? In advance many thanks.

Kuharkin S.A.
08.06.2004, 19:05
Muzhskojfaktor it is available. Varikotsele certainly leading reason. Very frequent situation - pregnancy in a youth and birthes of the child from such men, but in communications or connections progressing uhudshenim functions jaisek - develops secondary sterility or barrenness. Unequivocally it is not necessary to do or make INSEMINATIONS - hto not dobavuit any chance in comparison with estvennnymi attempts. - the same I would not recommend to do or make operation Ivanissevicha, she is admissible at young age, but in svzjai from it or her kranje unreliable hrakterom at mature age onaa can bring deterioration more likely. I would recommend to choose between EKO (and it is probable EKO-0 and mikrohirurgicheskoi operation in occasion of varikotsele. To make pravlinyj a choice it is necessary to know some more dopolnitelnyh parameters, except for spermogrammy. If to you it is convenient doobsledovanie at us will borrow or occupy nearby 1000 rub and 1.5 hours. After that we can be defined or determined, that tselelsoobraznee to do or make and predlozhem to you any variant of the decision of a problem. Considering parmetry speromgrammy. Which you have resulted or brought - all reperably and unique negative faetor is an age.

10.06.2004, 22:36
Many thanks for the answer.
As it is possible to enter the name on reception (on a trace. Week)?

Kuharkin S.A.
13.06.2004, 19:17
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