Просмотр полной версии : Hello Dear doctors! Tell or say pozh-that from what to begin inspection...

10.06.2004, 12:13
Hello Dear doctors! Tell or say pozh-that from what to begin inspection in occasion of secondary sterility or barrenness? At the husband spermogramma in norm or rate, me one year ago have made a laparoscopy in occasion of udalengija fibromyomas of a uterus. Can be hand over analyses on hormones? Mine genikolog nothing speaks me and anywhere does not send. If on analyses on hormones, on which?

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.06.2004, 15:04
Tatyana! Considering the spent operative measure (by the way you speak nothing about a status of uterine pipes at the moment of an intervention) first of all it is meaningful to spend GSG. If in the report of a laparoscopy there were indicatings on problems with permeability of pipes or dr. njuansy the conclusion can be other.