Просмотр полной версии : It to a question from 20.08. In 14.03. I therefore ask, that one doctor in..

10.06.2004, 04:26
It to a question from 20.08. In 14.03.
I therefore ask, that one doctor in ZHK have told or said about pimafutsin, have then gone on leave. Another has appointed or nominated terzhinan, and the doctor with which we have concluded logovor in roddome-kandid 6. Thus I do not have any complaints and nobody examined me. There is a question on preventive actions before sorts or labors.

Malanova T.B.
13.06.2004, 10:04
If at you smears normal (handed over not later than week back) I in general nothing would appoint or nominate. Basically all these preparations are resolved at pregnancy.