Просмотр полной версии : It would be desirable to learn or find out more precisely are how much dangerous some infections during be...

06.06.2004, 18:03
It would be desirable to learn or find out more precisely are how much dangerous some infections during pregnancy. The doctor has taken from me a smear on an infection and in infections Gardenerella and Ureaplasma special (they most likely are written on another, it is simple so I have apprehended on hearing and hope you me will understand) itself have been found out. The doctor has appointed or nominated treatment by a doxycycline a hydrochloride. Another vrach-the gynecologist, washing the old friend has told or said, that purpose or appointment of such preparation unfairly as antibiotics tetratsiklinovoj groups can turn back teratism of a fetus, except for that these infections on a fetus influence not strongly, but only health of mother. She has recommended to me to spend on drink 60 tablets (on 4. In day) " Ampitsilina trigidrat " and to put down 7 (on 1. In day) vaginalnyh candles "betadin". It is necessary to tell or say, that prior to the beginning of treatment I also have handed over the analysis wet on these infections, in urine the Ureaplasma spetsial also has been found out.
At me for today term of 17 weeks. I drink ampitsilin and have started to enter suppositories. It is not dangerous?

08.06.2004, 23:50
gardenella conditionally pathogenic flora, a ureaplasma too. In general she until recently was considered as norm or rate. For a fetus no trouble absolutely., about treatment of anything I can not tell or say... And doctors here similar simply does not happen.

Natalia - the doctor
09.06.2004, 14:15
Yes you that from mind or wit banish or have descended;have gone to drink 60 tablets ampitsilina.
Stop amateur performance, yet have not damaged or injured;hurt to the child. If antibiotki also are shown, from group makrolidov and not on your term.

12.06.2004, 21:00
Me manager. Consultation has translated or transferred to other doctor, and she has told or said, that if has started to drink ampitsilin it is necessary to drink up up to the extremity or end, differently result any, and treatment has passed or has taken place in vain. Only has told or said, that it is necessary to increase reception of tablets with 4 h up to 8. In day. Has and more added, that now already on penitsiliny at mankind immunity and basically it is useless them to be treated.

Thanks you, that you is.