Просмотр полной версии : At me 38 week has gone, that is with dnja-labors per day can begin. And vividly...

09.06.2004, 17:33
At me 38 week has gone, that is with dnja-labors per day can begin. And the stomach or belly still did not fall. Here I also think - how to define or determine he ALREADY? Or STILL? Can early? Or with terms doctors were mistaken..
And the most important - how to move at this time, whether it is possible to sit, t. To I know that to the child difficultly in a basin - a head closely to become.. If it is not difficult - advise something...

Yours faithfully Olga.

Ryazanov And.
11.06.2004, 06:00
Olja, the first, that I would like you to advise - do not wait, that labors vot-here will begin, differently to the extremity or end of 41 weeks you will have a dejectedness:)). If your cycle big (more than 30 days), your mum has given birth to you little bit later can quite be small perenashivanie. The stomach or belly usually falls at the first pregnancy 2 4 weeks prior to sorts or labors. Also at times can leave and a mucous fuse. But, more often, she leaves for some days or hours before sorts or labors. Sometimes before the sorts or labors there is a huge desire to sleep. There can be and pains, a pandiculation in the bottom of a stomach or belly and a loin, and also fights - harbingers. Be close or attentive to all vydelenijam liquids, sometimes waters depart before fights. Behave naturally, do not limit movement. To sit it is possible, but not for long (not constantly). Just in case collect a bag with things and documents, what in case of the begun fights to be in "vseoruzhii". I wish you successful easy or light;mild sorts or labors, and also zdorovenkogo karapuzika!

12.06.2004, 19:50
Oh thanks huge to you.