Просмотр полной версии : Hello. 2. Back I have transferred or carried operation, the diagnosis: " the Melanoma of the rights. Femurs...

11.06.2004, 21:40
Hello. 2. Back I have transferred or carried operation, the diagnosis: " the Melanoma of the rights. Femurs ", after operation of any treatment it was not appointed or nominated. To me of 25 years (children are not present), whether tell or say please it is possible for me to give birth or travail? And through what time after operation? Who kogda-nibud has faced the same problem as at me, the request respond! Thanks.

Smirnov D.R.
12.06.2004, 11:09
All depends on that what stepen invasions on Breslou and to Clark, and sootvestvenno what stage of a tumour, whether there are metastasises remote or regionarnye. In this connection you should have results of histological research of your melanoma where all this should be ukazanno. In general the question uneasy, proskolku a status of pregnancy is caused or causes oppression of immune system of the woman and advance of the some people zlokachetvennyh tumours probably. Consult at oncologists in sootvestvujushchej conferences.